“I have been a client of Todd's for the last few years. When I first started 
working out with Todd, I weighed 227lbs, had low self-esteem,  bad 
eating habits and was extremely out of shape. With his expertise, 
professional, knowledge and kind demeanor, he has helped me lose close 
to 60lbs, instilled good eating habits, and has helped raise my 
self-esteem.   He was extremely encouraging when I was feeling down 
about myself.  His knowledge in nutrition helped me make healthier 
choices when eating out at restaurants, how to plan my meals for the 
week and what to snack on.  I'm 47 years old and am in the best shape 
of my life”.
Sam Pono
San Francisco

I have been working with Todd for over a year now. Todd is one of the best trainers I have ever worked with. His "tough love" approach holds me accountable. I am 49 years old and Todd understands how to set realistic (but ambitious) goals that reflect the fact that I am not 29. He also walks the walk. Workouts are always interesting and varied. I hate doing abs and legs and Todd has helped me to integrate those exercises into my workout in such a way that I enjoy them and see real progress. I highly recommend Todd!

Craig Zodikoff

San Francisco

“I hate exercise.  But I love Todd’s personal training, because he managed to make exercise (normally the bait of my existence) an actually pleasant moment of my day.  First, he is a NICE guy.  He's comfortable to hang around, always on time, pleasant to talk to, and very professional. Plus, for the quality of service, his prices are reasonable.  Second, he knows his stuff, and knows how to make a work-out interesting.  We alternated exercises often, and he always came up with ways to make the work out less monotonous, so to make the hour go a little quicker.  He pushed me to my limit, but never more.  He knew exactly when was enough, and when I could go further.  My butt is tighter than ever, legs stronger, stomach flatter.  I didn't think anyone could make me like exercise, but Todd did!  I can't wait to work out with him again”.
Brigitte T
San Francisco

“Todd has turned my life around. I'm still overweight and life isn't perfect, but I can walk. He actually had me doing a short run on the treadmill last week!! Unbelievable. I thought I would never run again. Sometimes my back hurts and I don't want to do anything. I work out with him and my back doesn't hurt while we are hitting it and I walk away feeling fantastic. I don't know how he does it but it's better than every other personal trainer I've worked out with. He knows all of the new training methods and applies them to my personal situation. He is really exceptional in his field”.
Andrew Craig
San Francisco

“I have been training with Todd for the last 7 years and I went from a size ** back to a 29 waist with Todd’s help, unlike others he is down to earth and realistic with his approach. I have come to look forward to my sessions three x a week with him. Not only does he insure that I maintain my waist size and physique but allows me the opportunity to discuss current events and relieve my stress from my very hectic job. The money is well worth the satisfaction of meeting your goals with someone that is with you all the way and takes the gym fear away. Give Todd a try and see for yourself”.
Bernie Zimmer
San Francisco

“Biggest bang for the Buck!  I never thought that I could achieve the level of fitness I have, seriously I had never worked out seriously.  I'm not saying it wasn't hard work, but he worked with me to overcome my mental and physical limitations.  At first I wanted to tone up and build core strength because I was doing the SF AIDS Ride.  I worked with Todd who listened to my goals and has guided me along every step of the way.  Today I'm in the best shape of my life, I've improved my overall health, outlook and posture.  My arms, legs, and even my gut are all in the best shape ever.  My cholesterol is dramatically down, and my BMI is showing that I'm building lean body mass.  Todd has been my personal trainer for over 18 months, never any attitude. Todd provides competent and consistent guidance to get you through a workout with minimal drama and maximum results.  Believe me at 6:00 am in the morning I don't spend a lot of time talking.  We are right down to business, he keeps the workout fresh, always innovating and mixing the routine up.  He calls it muscle confusion to help stimulate growth.  If you're looking for a professional trainer who will help you elevate your health then Todd is the personal trainer for you.  Talk to me at Gold's on Brannan Street if you want to hear more!”

Bob Olszewski
San Francisco

“Each personal training session with Todd is a journey of discovery and exploration. At first, you might expect a repeat of your last routine, since your goals have not changed. The goals may not change, but Todd's approach to working towards them is never repetitive, it's always effective and usually includes an element of fun. He is knowledgeable and incredibly resourceful, and that makes you look forward to each workout with him. And, along the way, he doesn't just guide you as you work your muscle systems -- he engages you with useful advice and just enough wit to help those endorphins pick up your mood. Check him out. He is a great discovery”.
Raul Ramires
San Francisco

“Like many others, exercise is not my favorite thing in the world. I would much rather be napping, eating a bag of cheetos, or otherwise wasting time.  But, I have to say, if the doc has been telling you to get off your butt to keep the weight off, Todd is the guy to help you do it.  As others have written already, he's friendly, funny, and it doesn't hurt that he's good looking.  Especially when you're laying on the bench and he's standing over you!  He knows how to push your limits without hurting you. He understands body anatomy and how to optimize your workouts.  This is particularly helpful if you've got an injury, as I do.  No need to worry that he's going to make you do something you shouldn't!

He keeps me honest.  On my own, I'd give up after one rep.  If you're looking for a solid personal trainer who can help develop your core, build your chest, define your abs, or give you the tush you've always dreamed of, give him a call”.
Patrick Gonzales
San Francisco​

Personal Trainer in San Francisco

​Todd Templin